美国贝利木材公司(Baillie Lumber Company)是北美最大的硬木原木,板材及板材制品生产商,经销商,和出口商之一。自1923年 James A. Baillie 成立公司以来,我们已经由一个地区性的供应商发展为一个在世界各地拥有硬木资源的全球性的硬木生产商。Baillie 的硬木生产基地自北至南分布在美国东部。除此以外我们在美国本土和世界各地也有协力工厂和供应商,为我们提供广泛的树种资源的同时也大大地提升了我们的生产能力,这是其他硬木生产商所无法比拟的。Baillie以优质的产品,优化的用材方案,高效的物流配送,庞大的供应,以及诚恳的服务成为您独一无二的全球硬木来源。
Baillie Lumber is one of North America’s largest hardwood lumber manufactures, distributors and exporters. We are a provider of hardwood logs, hardwood lumber and proprietary grade hardwood lumber products. Founded in 1923 by James A. Baillie, we have grown from a North American regional supplier of domestic hardwoods to an international hardwood manufacturer that can ship hardwood lumber to any region of the world.
Baillie’s hardwood manufacturing facilities are spread north to south in the eastern United States. Our partner mills and suppliers in the U.S. and internationally supplement our own hardwood manufacturing capabilities and give us a breadth of specie availability unmatched by other hardwood manufacturers.
Baillie Lumber provides all of the popular North American hardwoods including Red Oak, White Oak, Hard Maple, Soft Maple, Ash, Cherry, Walnut, Hickory, Beech, Basswood, Alder and many more.